If your baby has atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema, Mother and Father can do the following ways to relieve or treat the symptoms they are suffering from.
Atopic eczema is more common among children, especially when they are only one year old. However, this condition can also affect older children, adolescents, and adults. This condition is characterized by dry, itchy, cracked, red, and scaly skin. The location can be anywhere, such as on the face, hands, elbows, knees, or scalp.
It is not yet known what the exact cause of this disease, but hereditary or genetic factors, as well as a cold and dry environment, are thought to be risk factors for the emergence of atopic eczema. Although this disease is not contagious, it is important for sufferers to take skin care to deal with damage to the skin as a result of chronic atopic eczema.
Atopic Eczema Treatment You Can Do at Home
Atopic eczema can disappear with increasing age, but can also recur at any time. To reduce the symptoms of itching and stinging that are experienced by Baby, you can do the following steps:- Wash your baby with clean water around 36 degrees Celsius, try to use the temperature of warm water. Wash your child for about 10-15 minutes.
- Choose soap without coloring, without fragrance, and made from non-alkaline. Rinse soap thoroughly thoroughly.
- Diligently applying moisturizer to your skin at least twice a day after bathing. This moisturizer is useful to help repair dry and damaged skin. Choose a moisturizer that matches your little skin or discuss with your doctor first. Do not choose a moisturizer that contains fragrance because it can make the symptoms of eczema recur.
- Ask your child not to scratch the skin. If it is difficult, just cover the area of ​​the itchy skin or ask him to wear gloves at night.
- Cut your baby's nails so that the skin does not get scratched or injured when scratched.
- Choose clothes that are soft and cool on the skin to reduce irritation. Don't choose clothes that feel rough, itchy, and tight.
- Compress your little skin with a wet, cool cloth to reduce itching.
- Avoid activities that make your child hot and sweaty.
- Keep your child away from anything that makes itchy, such as dust, certain foods, dust, or pet dander.
- Ask your child to drink lots of water so that his skin becomes moist.
- Keep the humidity and temperature of the room to be comfortable for your little one. As much as possible avoid dirty, dry air and temperatures that are too cold, so as not to aggravate the complaint.
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